Raih'sae Zhwan
He's here to help!
Raih'sae Zhwan@Balmung, Crystal DC

Race: | Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon) |
Gender: | Male |
Height: | 5'2" |
Age: | Twenty summers |
Hair: | White |
Eyes: | Amber green |
Build: | Lithe, thin; subtle tonage |
A crimson-clad cat carrying himself with charm and class. Kind of.Clad in his eccentric day-to-day garb of a ruby red gambeson, trademark hat and black scarf, one would be forgiven to think Raih'sae was simply dressing up as his favourite storybook hero. But most storybook protagonists don't stand at an utterly laughable five-fulms and two-ilms, or look as if a stiff breeze will fold him five ways.Raih'sae doesn't let that keep him down, however. In all things, he is indefatigable and unrelenting. An overwhelming pride and cheerful optimism keeps his shoulders high, seemingly adding a couple of inches to his diminutive stature. Wide, amber eyes are almost always coloured by a smile of some sort - be it a more subtle one, or a fang-bearing ear-to-ear grin that seems to threaten to split his features in twain with the honed edge of his cheery nature. Such youthful optimism is somewhat marred, however, by the Keeper's shockingly pale complexion, a pallor that never seems to improve, regardless of how much sun he gets. And thanks in no small part to the hat he constantly wears, Raih'sae's snow white hair is always in an unkempt state. His lifestyle proving simply too busy to take the time to make himself presentable for day-to-day life.But not everything is as it seems.Beneath the beaming smiles and bright eyes, there exists something only those of impeccable perception or are otherwise close to him can detect in spite of his best attempts to conceal otherwise. His shoulders, held ever-so-high, only does so of his own conscious thought. Otherwise, they would sag under an unseen weight. His smiles, perhaps a little forced as they sometimes overstay their welcome on his features and give way to the subtlest of twitches as appearances are kept. The most telling of all, however, lay within the Keeper's eyes. While undeniably bright, they lack the usual lively spark of a valiant do-gooder. When not staring directly at someone, they could even come across as hollow... All the more noticeable by the ever-present dark circles under his eyes. A telltale sign of many, many, many sleepless nights.
Your sins don't end with tears.

Alignment: | Neutral Good |
Patron Deity: | Nymeia, the Spinner |
Occupation: | Wandering Do-Gooder, Red Mage-in-Training |
Likes: | Acts of kindness, the colour red, red mages, rain, goobues, Ishgardian knights |
Dislikes: | Senseless violence, cruelty, moral dilemnas, vegetables, guns, and morbols. |
The Black Shroud has always been a melting pot of many peoples, cultures and groups. But with the rise of Gridania as a nation-state, many found a life of safety and unity under its rule preferable to a life of conflict, skirmishing and contending with nature.Many, but not all.It's only natural that, amongst a people as isolated from each other as Keepers of the Moon, that radical ideas sprout, even amongst each other. Incensed at Gridania's expansion into what they view as their rightful forest home, many opted to lash out against the fledgling nation-state's growing influence while retreating further and further into the Shroud's shaded boughs. An extended period of this often leads, for many, to desperation and the increased dependence of banditry and raiding for sustenance. It was a stroke of fortune, then, when their efforts were granted an unintended boon in the form of Garlemald's invasions. Forced to focus on defending its existing border rather than expanding them, Gridania's attention was drawn elsewhere. And the resistance was given a second wind to try and keep the clock from turning on their idyllic ways of life. But it was ultimately futile. Not because their foe was much larger than them, but because the forest was. It is ultimately foolish for anyone - be they Miqo'te, Gridanian or Garlean - to assume they can claim dominion over nature itself.The elementals stir. Treelines shift with sporadic activity. Woodwrath takes hold. Crows begin to circle. Shapes emerge from the foliage. Jagged teeth glimmer in the dying light of the moon. And in an instant, in a tide of blood and screams and gnashing teeth nature seeks to reclaim what has and always will belong to it. To punish those allowed to dwell within its domain and dared to think they could dream bigger.The natural course, then, is how these groups police themselves and one another. As conflict continues, such isolated tribes oft have to look to themselves and each other to delay the inevitable. The cost of this comes in the form of personal liberties, then. For fear of losing valuable members of an already minute population many deem a tight-fisted rule over their small kingdoms a necessity. Mother knows best, after all.But what happens when one wayward child comes to believe that a life of isolation and violence isn't the right path after all? That they're tired of being manipulated and used and getting nothing but strife in return. The smuggled books of robbed travellers, while bearing passages unreadable to a child of a tribe that sees no value in words, often hold within them images that promise a better future. Of majestic estates and grand causes. Of those in positions not dissimilar to his being uplifted from the milk of Spoken kindness. Of heroes clad in red, rising to face impossible odds with nothing but force of will and the confidence to strike down tyrants.However, the young Miqo'te knows that to leave their forest home is to flirt with death. Even should they manage to elude their own kin baying for vengeance, the perils of the forest often ensure a slim chance of survival without the safety of numbers. Regardless of dreams, the reality makes escape all but improbable. So what, then, incites a young Miqo'te to throw their life away and make such a risk? What inspires a dutiful son with the promise of an easy life to become a rouge-clad rogue? After all...
What is the price of greatness?
It fills my head with dreams and finds me.

"Don't worry! I'm here to help!"
Always Helping - Raih'sae has devoted his life to helping those in need, big or small. Whether or not it's somebody in danger or simply someone down on their luck or an old woman needing help carrying her groceries, the eager Keeper is always willing to lend a hand. To him, doing good is its own reward and is not afraid to approach the downtrodden, the weak or the forlorn. This attitude, of course, often lands him in hot water of his own when combined with his recklessness.
Altruist - In that same vein, Raih'sae often spends what little money he is capable of scraping together to help those with even less. Many of Ul'dah's orphanages, refugee camps, soup kitchens and schools have been graced by the sudden and unannounced generosity of a crimson-clad Miqo'te. And it's often that he throws himself headlong into danger in order to scrape funds for his escapades.
Work Harder, Not Smarter - When he's not looking for the next opportunity to help someone in need, Raih'sae can often be found deep in the throes of training - mind, body and soul - near the gates of Ul'dah, his usual haunt. He can often be seen on the road at almost all hours of the day, barely stopping his swordsmanship or spellwork. He often visits the Alchemist's Guild for help in facilitating such a rigorous - and quite frankly damaging - training regimen...
Red Mage-in-Training -While not technically a red mage himself, Raih'sae still lives and breathes everything that has to do with the crimson duelists, be they stories to swap or even a rare meeting with a red mage in the flesh. While he hopes to be counted among their number, he has a long way to go. The chance to meet one in person is an opportunity to glean valuable knowledge, although that often comes with the occasional personal space violation. Or even outright idol worship...
He Who Breaks Breads With Whores and Sinners - Against his will, Raih'sae has been forced to get a place of his own and stop sleeping in bushes or under trees. The place he chose, of course, was Ul'dah's notorious red light district. And not at all because it has 'red' in its name, honest. In a short time, the snowy-haired Keeper has made something of a name for himself by patrolling the shady neighborhood. Not to peruse the goods, however, but to keep watch over the various "entrepreneurs" and the loose-knit community that calls that area home. While the escorts themselves are usually no slouch when it comes to handling belligerent clients, it's convenient for them to have someone else do the work instead, with considerably more humane end results. Many a handsy drunk or clingy client has been chased off by the Keeper.
The Wayward Son - For the past four years, stories have abound amongst Keeper tribes dwelling in the Shroud about a child of religious significance to his tribe fleeing hearth and home the night he was arranged to be wed - for political purposes - to the chieftess of another tribe. It was to be an important event, but with his disappearance his tribe never quite recovered from the shame and embarrassment. Even now, that wayward son's kin are baying for his swift return, through any means necessary. Handsome rewards have been offered to bring him in alive, with the offer even being extended to willing outsiders.
The "Perfect" Disguise, Not so Much the Perfect Name - Recently, vagabonds, corrupt Blades and petty criminals within and around Ul'dah have been found accosted by a masked, rapier-wielding mage in all black calling himself, unsubtly, the "Black Mask". Based on descriptions of their height and build, Brass Blade investigators have surmised the vigilante to be a Miqo'te, but little else is known. The Brass Blades, of course, do not condone vigilantism or the brazen assault of their membership regardless of allegations and are making all effort to put a stop to the masked menace once and for all. You know, Raih'sae and this "Black Mask" have never been seen together. Odd...
Thy life is a riddle to bear rapture and sorrow.

"I suppose no one really goes it alone after all."
“Absolutely," replied the Scorpion. "Can you imagine the fear of falling? Of course not. You’re a hawk. Might as well be scared of breathing air. And yet here I am, clinging to your back, as the winds rage around us. Isn’t that love? Isn’t that trust? Isn’t that necessity? I could not kill you without killing myself. Are we not inseparable in this?”The hawk flew on, the both of them silent.
A Seeker as skilled with the bow as she is carrying a tune, and perhaps Raih'sae's closest friend and confidante. By far the most prominent - and confusing - relationship within Raih'sae's life. Being much more grounded in reality and protective of herself and those around her, Fen is almost entirely the polar opposite him; a fact that often causes them to butt heads when Raih'sae recklessly insists on throwing himself into danger for a noble cause. No one is quite as capable of getting under her skin as him, and the reverse is true. They fight, they argue and they often do and say hurtful things for the sake of being hurtful. But at the end of the day, regardless of what has been said or done, natural magnetism tends to draw them back together. Very few people have shown the level of concern for him that Fen has, and even fewer have been privy to the secrets he's told her. She is, for all intents and purposes, his confidante and his solid rock. And while he struggles to comprehend the exact nature of his feelings towards the tawny Seeker, she makes it so hard for him to stay away. He swore that he didn't need friends or family to do his sole duty in life. And yet, Fen has a way of making him forget in the heat of the moment...If only he knew how she truly earned that name. Some secrets are better left unsaid.
A stoic, humorless man formerly of Ishgard's Temple Knights. Or so he claims. Vanir is as illusive about himself as he is unimpressed with Raih'sae's antics. But in spite of his constant annoyance with the Keeper, Vanir - perhaps out of pity or his own concept of friendship - often takes it upon himself to hone Raih'sae's skills. Unfortunately, his methods sometimes leave a lot to be desired. For his own part, Raih'sae is unsure how to feel about him. While he trusts Vanir to do what he says he will, that is as far as that trust goes. And while that has been put to the test, there are few people that Raih'sae would trust implicitly to watch his back. And yet, the Keeper still views Vanir as somewhat of a threat due to his propensity for keeping secrets. One simply cannot be at ease around such an unknown variable.
"Was I good?" asked the cat as he took the hand proffered to him."No," replied the pale harbinger. "I'm told you were the best."
A mysterious Seeker serving as an official for Ul'dah's Ossuary. After a chance encounter, the two contrasting Miqo'te struck up a friendship that has become increasingly close - even if it is incredibly one-sided on R'mari's part. The Seeker tends to pull the most weight between the two of them, what with tolerating Raih'sae's shenanigans and giving him valuable advice about basic self-care that the stubborn Keeper refuses to heed. And in spite of everything, he still takes the time out of his busy life to teach the ungrateful gremlin how to read and write. Raih'sae's attentions are often focused on so many other things to reflect on just how much R'mari does for him. Or what he means to him. But the more time Raih'sae spends around the illusive so-called "Consultant of the Departed" may result in him being forced to confront the skeletons in his own closet.
Red bloometh the rose of conviction.
OOC Information
Hi! I'm Arby, and I thank you for taking the time to read this carrd!
I've been playing Final Fantasy for a little bit now. I was a WoW refugee before the bald man made it cool. As such, I've been around the block but there's some aspects of lore and such that I'm still not familiar with. That said, I do have a heavy preference for scenes and characters that fit within the lore of the world we're all shelling out money to hang around in. While I'm fine with lore-bending, flagrant lore-breaking is something of a minor pet peeve of mine, and I might gloss over or flat out ignore something that has a clear lore contradiction.
Raih'sae tends to be a goodie-two-shoes. This means he is often compelled to intervene in fights, overt crime and/or escalating situations. However, I will always try to send a /tell to the parties involved to see if they're okay with sudden interference just so I'm not being intrusive. In terms of things like combat between two characters, I tend to defer to /roll but I also pride myself on being flexible and able to do freeform combat, provided I know the other party decently enough.
I enjoy most forms of RP! Please defer to the handy-dandy LFRP chart below!
Meeting new people OOCly is just as interesting to me, as well! Someone to chat with or do content with is great. That said, however, I can sometimes be shy around people, and so I play larger-than-life characters to force myself out of my comfort zone. Please bear with me!
I'm also open to being contacted via Discord, and that includes for things like RP over Discord! My Discord is arby3438
Big ol' LFRP Chart
Casual | Light-hearted scenes that are often humorous and easy to swallow. | Absolutely! Raih'sae may be a character with heavy themes, but he's still very much grounded enough to enjoy simpler things. |
Adventure | Scenes outside the confines of civilization, sometimes involving exploration or, gasp!, combat! | Yes, please! Raih'sae is all about recklessly throwing himself into potentially deadly situations without a care in the world. All one would have to do is pretty much ask. |
Dark/Mature | Scenes revolving around the darker side of life. Crime, violence, sex, suffering, agony. Being a magical "girl" is suffering. | Raih'sae has some intense emotional baggage of his own, and any long-term interaction with him is bound to turn towards this route sooner or later. And while he probably won't do anything bad of his own volition, there's always the possibility of it happening to him. I just ask that you be tasteful about it and that anything potentially changing or permanent be discussed. |
Discord RP | RP that take place over Discord, as opposed to in-game. | Probably not. As of late, too many scenes have gone on far too long or simply died out because the other party taking a week or even weeks to post. I understand the beauty of RPing via discord is that it's convenient when schedules can't quite align, but I'm tired of things being forgotten or put on the backburner for ages. If for whatever reason a bout of insanity takes me and I agree to it, I'd still prefer to get back on-track with in-game RP as quickly as possible. |
ERP | Scenes primarily involving the act of sex. | I'm a degenerate. Surprise! However, while this is something I can participate in, I don't actively pursue this and I tend to be extremely picky about it. Raih'sae isn't a character focused around chasing ERP and I like a little story with my smut. Characters with actual personalities, goals, desires, aspirations and wants make me go full on ape-brain just as much as |
Romance | Scenes revolving around intimate connections of a much more romantic nature. | If it happens, it happens. However, Raih'sae has both a lifetime of cultural and personal beliefs and issues to go through before he can truly consider pursuing a romantic relationship. He may flirt, be attracted to or even sleep with someone, but he's unlikely to view it as anything more than a close friendship. If someone is able to connect with him on a more intimate level and strip away the layers of his own cultural upbringing and emotional issues, then perhaps! |